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Common Issues

Black Textures

Textures must have power of two resolutions. For example, 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x4096, etc. An arbitrary resolution like 600x600 is not supported by the game when using compressed textures.

Rainbow Flashing Textures

The game shows a rainbow flashing texture if the texture assigned to a material is missing. Ensure you included the texture in the AR and didn't make a typo in the material.

Randomly Switching Textures

The material might not have any textures assigned at all. You need to at least assign one diffuse texture, otherwise the game is going to use the texture of whatever was rendered last.

Missing Transparency On Textures

  • You might need @LYR(trans) or @LYR(punch) tags on your material names. See terrain importing guide for more information.
  • Your texture might be compressed using BC1/DXT1 format. This format does not support alpha channels. For transparent textures, use the BC3/DXT5 compression format instead.

Missing Terrain Models

  • Terrain.prm.xml file might require higher memory sizes. Look for the g_TerrainModelLimitSizeDefault and g_TerrainModelLimitSizeWin32 parameters, and increase them. If your stage requires more memory than what is defined in this file, some of your models might not render.
  • There is a limit of 8192 instances in the game. If you are trying to render more instances, the game is going to hit this limit and stop rendering.
  • Material files might be missing. There is a chance it might not crash and display nothing instead.
  • You might have a visibility-tree.vt file leftover from another level in your files. This file controls occlusion culling, and it needs to be created specifically for the level it's used in. Remove this file to solve potential pop-in problems.
    • Similarly, if you are porting a level from Sonic Unleashed to Sonic Generations or vice versa, you might experience issues if your set object cameras don't exactly match with the original game. If they do, you can safely keep this file.

Red Materials

The game fallbacks to displaying a red emissive material if the shader assigned to a material does not exist. If you want to see every available shader in the game, unpack located inside bb3.cpk, and look for files with .shader-list extension.

Low Quality or Missing GI Textures

Terrain.prm.xml file might require higher memory sizes. Look for the g_GITextureLimitSizeDefault and g_GITextureLimitSizeWin32 parameters, and increase them.

Missing Direct Light

If you add a new direct light with a different name, you need to edit Terrain.stg.xml to make the stage use it. For example:


Missing Sky Model

If you add a new sky model with a different name, you need to edit Terrain.stg.xml to make the stage use it. For example:


Ensure that the materials of the sky model also use sky shaders such as Sky_d.

Enemies From Other Stages Not Appearing

Certain enemies are loaded manually in stages to save memory. If an enemy does not appear in your stage, you can fix it by editing EnemyArchiveTree.xml inside In this example, ghz_cmn entry was modified to include data from EnemyEFighter, which allows egg fighters to be used in both ghz100 and ghz200:


Common Crash Reasons

Missing Material Files

Unlike later games, missing materials can cause a crash in Sonic Generations and Sonic Unleashed.

Periods in File Names

Having periods in your file names can confuse the game and cause crashes. For example, having a material named Material.000.material would make the game think the file has a .000.material extension, and not recognize it as a material file.

Instance Names Starting with "ins"

Instances starting with ins are treated differently, and require specialized material shaders. Using any other shader causes a crash. Ensure that none of the instances in your stage start with this word.

Missing "" File

Run GI Atlas Converter on Pre-Render mode to have this file created automatically.

Missing "light-list.light-list" File

Copy paste .light and .light-list files from another stage, or add a direct light to your level in the 3D software you use. Latest Hedgehog Converter can import direct lights, so ensure your tools are up to date. Use HedgeGI for advanced light editing.

Mismatching PFD/PFI Files

PFD files are loaded through PFI files. If the Stage.pfi/Stage-Add.pfi files don't match with the Stage.pfd/Stage-Add.pfd files in the stage, this causes a crash. Unpack the PFD files, and repack them back with HedgeArcPack using -T=pfd command-line option to generate matching PFI files.

Unloaded Sonic Animations

The game doesn't load certain Sonic animations to save memory if the gimmick in question is never used. For example, diving animations stored in are only loaded in Chemical Plant, Speed Highway and Planet Wisp. If diving is used in any other stage, the game is going to crash due to unloaded animations. This behavior can be configured by editing ArchiveTree.xml inside In this example, SonicDiving entry was edited to load in the ghz200 stage slot:


Lightfield File Too Large

Your game might crash randomly when booting your level if the level's lightfield (.lft) file is too large. Try increasing the minimum cell radius in HedgeGI to reduce the lightfield's file size.